THE SWIM. Stay in control – an active rest workout


Short active rest will train the body to push above average race pace and then back off to recover while still racing. Perfecting this ability allows the athlete to maintain control while responding to varying race situations. Here's a workout to help get you there.


The workout: 4400 total yards (meters)


If time constrains you, pick a time to spend in the water, follow through with the workout until your time is up, get out and shower. Fini.


Warm up set:

400 swim ez

2x125 w/:05

2x75 w/:05 ez

2x50 ez w/:05


transition from warm up to main set:

400 swim ez

2x125 w/:05 (ez 75 build last 50 to moderate)

2x75 w/:05 ez (25 ez then build 50 to moderate strong)

2x50 ez w/:05 (steady moderate strong)


12x50 w/:05 to :10first 25 build to 90-95%, second 25 ez


Main set: Common’!!

Two times through the following:

Active rest set

200 very strong-75 ez w/:05 rest

200 very strong-75 ez w/:05 rest

100 very strong-50 ez w/:05 rest

100 very strong-50 ez w/:05 rest

50 very strong-25 ez w/:05 rest

50 very strong-25 ez w/:05 rest

now an extra :30 rest and repeat above


Cool down