Pass the Potatoes...Thank You very Much

While losing weight can improve performance, just starving yourself is not the best strategy. To be sure, reducing the calories ingested while maintaining a training program can result in weight loss. But is that all that should be considered? Velonews published an article in their training section of Vol. 45/No. 45, November-December 2016. Author Trevor Connor quickly and clearly states what works as well as what to look out for while charting a course through the Holidays and beyond.

The article, “Tipping the Scales”, quickly drills down to the basics of performance driven weight loss. The topics, covered in a page, include:

  • Body Composition
  • Power and Fatigue
  • Rate of Reasonable Weight Loss
  • When to Lose the Weight
  • Dietary Suggestions
  • Accepted Strategies

I highly recommend that you look this article up to help you plan for the upcoming season.

Eat well– Enjoy your food!